This is a collaborative case study project that I worked on with designers from both the UK and Taiwan. We participated in a Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) course offered by Acumen Academy. Throughout the project, we employed various user research techniques, such as user interviews, co-design, and design thinking methods, to generate innovative ideas.

Project Duration:

Feb.2021-Apr.2021 (3months)

My role:

As a UI/UX designer, I was responsible for clustering and visualizing data to generate ideas based on user feedback. Additionally, I collaborated with other designers to create digital product layouts.

01. Overview

Our team recognized the mental health challenges faced by people in Taiwan and Hong Kong who were forced to work from home during the Covid-19 pandemic. In response, we developed a project aimed at creating a solution for this issue.

Despite the challenges posed by social distancing measures and remote work, we conducted interviews virtually and utilized various methods to ensure that our team members from different time zones and locations were synchronized in their efforts. While we were unable to immerse ourselves in the emotions of interviewees, we still found opportunities to engage with panelists and audiences, ultimately allowing us to develop a comprehensive solution for our target audience.

02. Research
During the lockdown, due to social distancing measures, we conducted our interviews virtually using the popular app “Clubhouse”. To gain a deeper understanding of our target audience’s experiences, we interviewed 3 individuals who had lived in the UK for less than 3 years and 4 experts who had lived in the UK for more than 3 years. 
Through the creation of an interactive space, we invited our research participants and approximately 160 attendees to engage in the panel talks. Our team harnessed the real-time capabilities of the platform to conduct qualitative research, yielding 6 significant insights.
  1. Begin with interests
  2. Foster connections
  3. Cultivate new friendships
  4. Focus on goals
  5. Be proactive
  6. Develop inner strength

We conducted virtual interviews with 2 individuals who have been living in the UK for several years and have assisted Taiwanese expats in settling down. Here are some key insights we gathered from them:

  1. Proactive behavior is crucial in adjusting to a new environment.
  2. Having strong determination and perseverance helps overcome challenge.
  3. Prioritizing mental health is important, especially during stressful time.
  4. Building connections and relationships between people can ease the process of adaptation.
03. Immersive & Analogous Inspiration


Clubhouse is a social media app that allows users to join and participate in voice-based discussions on various topics. Users can create or join chat rooms to discuss and share their thoughts with others in real-time. is a great platform for people to create opportunities to make new friends. Its inclusivity and diversity is the perfect ground for people to build their connections.
04. Insights
These insights are very helpful in guiding the development of a solution for the mental health issues faced by Taiwanese people and Hongkongers working from home in the UK. Taking the initiative and having a strong determination can help individuals overcome challenges and maintain a positive attitude towards life. Focusing on mental health is essential for maintaining overall well-being, and building bridges between people can create a sense of community and support.

How many years have you stayed in the UK?

5+ years
3-5 years
less than 3 years

How can you build connections in the UK?

common topics (interest, purpose...)
clubs or real meetups
social media (facebook...)
new connections from old friends
Apps (tinder, meetup...)

Have you discover any difference during the pandemic?

more online networking)
focus more on inner health
spend more time online
try new things (cooking, yoga...)
people are willing to help each other
less jobs
mental health issues

Did you have any special experiences in the UK?

environmental adjustment (weather...)
cultural confrontation (personality...)
language barrier issues (accent...)
Asian hate
mental adjustment

What kind of personality do you have?

outgoing & extroverted
05. Define the problem
06. Gut Check

After generating several “How Might We” questions, our team engaged in a brainstorming session to come up with creative solutions for each one. Through a voting process, we selected the most innovative, promising, and appealing ideas. We prioritized building human connections as a critical aspect of enhancing mental health during extended lockdown periods.

How might we enhance human relationships and uplift our emotion during the pandemic? 

07. Persona & Journey map
07. Wireframe
08. Design Guideline
09. Mockups


“Adelina, an office worker from Taiwan, is seeking a user-friendly app that can assist her in adapting to the cultural differences of relocating to the UK.”

Home pages

In the home pages, users can select the groups that they are interested in and have conversations with new friends inside. In addition, the platform also provides the function of organizing events, which can let users arrange meetups online or in reality.

Event pages

When users join the group, not only they can chit chat with other members of the groups, they can also receive announcements of actual events or online meetups. Joining the group can help the users quickly recognize what kind of obstacles they might face in the UK, and build connections with others in case they need someone’s help in an unfamiliar environment.
10. Takeways
The online course guided us through all the methodologies of design thinking and the creative way of approaching users for creating innovative ideas. During the whole journey, we focus more on how to collect and filter the insights from the interview. Besides, interact with potential stakeholders through online sessions to co-create and brainstorm the ideas for the further design. From all the process, I have learned that there is no linear way to do design. Based on the project and different situations, the most important thing is to increase the engagement of participation including designers and stakeholders to create a more user-focused design.
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